My name is A and I have two lovely (sometimes) little girls A is 7 nearly 8 and B 3 both girls have hypermobility syndrome which means basically they are very flexible this doesn’t affect them to much but they are prone to joints locking which can be painful and both get very tired
A was a healthy child she did have asthma when she was a baby but grew out of it when she was 2 . B has spent a lot of time in and out of hospital since she was 6 weeks old . B had a urine infection and was on antibiotics for 6 months and had a lot of tests carried out this included 3 lumbar puntures to rule out meningitis .
2 weeks before B second birthday was probably one of the most scariest moments of my life when i went into her room to wake her i noticed she was very pale and i couldn’t wake her and she was wheezy so i called an ambulance which resulted in her being taken to jumbo ward in Crawley hospital where she had various tests including a lumbar puncture. we were told she had a chest infection and was put on intravenous antibiotics .
The doctor then told told us that the diabetic consultant would be coming to see us but I didn’t understand why it turns out that a blood test when she first arrived was showing high sugar levels . the consultant came and said that they thought B may be diabetic so they started her on insulin injections I felt so helpless her bloods were up and down for days and no one would say yes she was diabetic or that she wasn’t . they let us go home after a week but they didn’t want us to use the insulin we had to do her bm levels 8 times a day for two weeks and then go back to the consultant .
The first time I pricked her finger made me so upset but it had to be done the results after the two weeks were that yes she was diabetic and that she needed insulin they say she is in honeymoon period and may get worse steadily or rapidly she has a pen injection and has to carry an emergency pack in case she goes low she has been rushed to hospital on a few occasions due to being hypo on top of this she uses inhalers for asthma which has also led to overnight hospital visits
but despite all she has been through she is still a happy child.