Understanding Differences Regular Updates


Update 1  Update 2  Update 3  Update 4  Update 5  Update 6  Update 7  Update 8

~Congenital Heart Disease~ Our Little Ross Memorial

Fund is reserved to Raise Awareness & Support

Families through times of CHD.

1 in 125 babies are born with Heart defects - one of the most common birth defects

~Diabetes, Deafness~ Our Orange Fund is reserved to RA &

Support Families through times of Other Physical Illnesses.

These may not be visible so the effects not understood

Our ‘Young Explorers’

Fund is reserved to enable us to arrange activities & outings for families to meet others so they feel less isolated

Our Green Fund is reserved to RA & Support Families through times of other Social, Emotional

or Behaviour Conditions

~Fear, Isolation, Grief~
Our Purple Fund is reserved to RA & Support Families through

times of Terminal Illness & Loss

Understanding Differences” blue Fund ensures that we can deliver
our aims and activities.


For example the fund covers things like:


Please register support or interest to be further involved via our web-site where there is a link to a guest-book or membership form. Alternatively, for more information you can email, phone or text us on the details above.


Ref: UD Update 8 - Page 1 of 5

Welcome to out 8th UDPATE
From March 2007 to April 2008
Understanding Differences

Raising Awareness to Support Children who have Experienced Difficult Times ~From Diagnosis, Fear, Isolation~

~Sadly to Bereavement~

www.understandingdifferences.org.uk/ Email Committee@understandingdifferences.org.uk


Linking with children, adults & other organisations to

provide a network of information, support and personal knowledge about a range of physical & emotional experiences

Increase understanding within the community and amongst affected families

Ref: UD Update 8 - Page 1 of 5