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Orange Fund
...Re-building lives affected by any diagnosis....
Becky the Brave - Epilepsy
Laurie Lears and Gail Porter
ISBN: 080750601X
A story about Epilepsy and two sisters, one of them has epilepsy and after an incident at school it is left to the ‘normal’ child to explain to the classroom about epilepsy
Epliepsy, The detectives story
By Peter Rowan and David Hollomby
That’s what Friends are for, Epilapsy,
By Brian Keaney
ISBN: 0-9546403-0-6 / 978-0-9546403-0-9
Age 5 to 8 years
A book for children and their friends about coming to terms with a diagnosis of epilepsy
Illness specific books on Epilepsy
Hand in Hand “I have Epilepsy Too”