Shattered Dreams Appeal

...Re-building lives affected by Terminal Illness and Bereavement...

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2008 sponsors for this fund

Would you be interested to sponsor this fund ‘In Memory’ or as a way to promote your business?

Please see our sponsors page for more information

Welcome to UD

Under Our Umbrella

Terminal Illness and Bereavement

~ Terminal Illness and  Bereavement Diary

~ Grieving

~ Drop-in Centre

~ Memorial Garden

~ Terminal Illness and Bereavement Book list

Child or Adult Heart Disease

Social, Emotional and Behavioural Conditions

Cancer and other Diagnosis

For Children

About the Drop in Centre

The UD Drop-in, open to everyone, Families, Friends,Professionals, and organisations

Important Information

Drop-in session

It is with regret that we have to report that the drop-in’s at both Horsham Nursery and Children and Family Centre, Harwood rd, Horsham,  and Maidenbower community centre,

Harvest rd, Maidenbower Crawley have been suspended until further notice.

The organisation is currently under review and a future direction is still being discussed, further information will be posted her as and when it is available.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in UD including our sponsors and funding bodies who have supported the organisation.